Peer Reviewed Publications

Shealy, E.P., Schwartz,T.S.,Cox ,R.M, Reedy, A.M., Parrott, B.B. 2025. DNA methylation-based age prediction and sex-specific epigenetic aging in a lizard with female-biased longevity. Science Advances, In Press.

Bhave, R. S., Seears, H. A., Reedy, A. M., Wittman, T. N., Robinson, C. D., & Cox, R. M. (2024). Behavioral estimates of mating success corroborate genetic evidence for pre-copulatory selection. Behavioral Ecology, 35(1), arad099.

Reinke, B.A,Cayuela, H., Janzen, F., … Cox,R.M., Reedy, A.M., … A. Bronikowski, and D. Miller (total of 114 authors, most are omitted here for brevity). 2022. Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity. Science, 376 (6600), 1459-1466.

Rosenberg, J.M., Schultheis, E.H., Kjelvik, M.K., Sultana, O., & Reedy, A.M. 2022. Big Data, Big Changes? The Technologies and Sources of Data Used in Science Classrooms. British Journal of Educational Technology.

Fargevieille, A., Reedy, A.M., Kahrl, A.F , Mitchell, T.S.; Durso, A., Delaney, D.M.; Pearson, P., Cox, R.M, & Warner, D.A. 2022. Propagule size and sex ratio influence colonisation dynamics after introduction of a non-native lizard. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(4): 845-857.

Kahrl, A. F., Kustra, M. C., Reedy, A. M., Bhave, R. S., Seears, H. A., Warner, D. A., & Cox, R. M. 2021. Selection on Sperm Count, but Not on Sperm Morphology or Velocity, in a Wild Population of Anolis Lizards. Cells, 10(9): 2369.

Mayes, R., Long, T., Huffling, L., Reedy, A.M., and B. Williamson. 2020. Undergraduate Quantitative Biology Impact on Biology Preservice Teachers. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 82:63.

Kustra, M., Kahrl, A.F., Reedy, A.M., Warner, D.A., and R.M. Cox. 2019. Sperm morphology and count vary with fine-scale changes in local density in a wild lizard population. Oecologia. 191:555–564.

Reedy, A.M., Evans, W.J., and R.M. Cox. 2019. Sexual dimorphism explains residual variance around the survival-reproduction tradeoff in lizards: implications for sexual conflict over life-history evolution. Evolution. 73-11: 2324–2332.

De Lisle, S.P., Goedert, D., Reedy, A.M., and E.I. Svensson. 2018. Climatic factors and species range position predict sexually antagonistic selection across taxa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 373 (1757): 20170415.

Reedy, A.M., Pope, B.D., Kiriazis, N., Giordano, C., Sams, C., Warner, D.A, and R.M. Cox. 2017. Female brown anoles (Anolis sagrei) display less and attack more quickly than males when challenged with a same-sex territorial intruder. Behavioral Ecology. 28: 1323-1328.

Reedy, A.M., Cox, C.L, Evans, W.J., Chung, A.K., and R.M. Cox. 2016. Both sexes suffer increased parasitism and reduced energy storage as costs of reproduction in the brown anole, Anolis sagrei. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 117: 516-527.

Refsnider, J.M., Reedy, A.M., Warner, D.A., and F. J. Janzen. 2015. Do trade-offs between predation pressures on females versus nests drive nest-site choices in painted turtles? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 116: 847-855.

Cox, C.L., Hanninen, A.F., Reedy, A.M., and R.M. Cox. 2014. Female anoles retain responsiveness to testosterone despite the evolution of androgen-mediated sexual dimorphism. Functional Ecology. 29: 758-767.

Reedy, A.M., Edwards, A., Pendlebury, C., Murdaugh, L., Avery, R., Seidenberg, J., Aspbury, A.S., and C. Gabor. 2014. An acute increase in the stress hormone corticosterone is associated with mating behavior in both male and female red-spotted newts, Notopthalamus viridecens. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 208: 57-63.

Reedy, A.M., Zaragoza, D., and D.A. Warner. 2013. Maternally-chosen nest sites positively affect multiple components of fitness in offspring lizards. Behavioral Ecology. 24(1): 39-46



Natural History Notes and Popular Science Publications  


Reedy, A.M., "The Lizard Project: Why scientists and teachers should work together for science outreach," Scientific American. August 31 2012. Web.


Neel, L.K., Durden, L.A., Cox, C.L., Reedy, A.M., and R.M. Cox. 2017. Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole) and Leiocephalus carinatus (Northern Curlytail Lizard). Ectoparasites. Herpetological Review. 48(4):842.


Cates, C.D., Delaney,D.M., Buckelew,A.M., Durso, A.M., French, S.S., Reedy,A.M., and D.A. Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei. Cannibalism. Herpetological Review. 45(3):491-492.


Cates C.D., Delaney,D.M., Buckelew, A.M., Durso, A.M., French, S.S., Reedy,A.M., and D.A. Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei. Egg Predation. Herpetological Review. 45(3):491-492.


Delaney, D.M., Durso, A.M., French, S.S., Reedy, A.M., and D.A.Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei (Brown anole). Prey Stealing Behavior. Herpetological Review.45 (2): 324-325.


Reedy, A.M., Cox,C.L., Cox, R.M. and R. Calsbeek. 2013. Anolis sagrei (Brown anole). Sexual Cannibalism. Herpetological Review.44 (4): 661-662.


Durso, A.M., Mitchell, T.S., Reedy, A.M., and D.A. Warner. 2013. Ophisaurus compressus (Island Glass Lizard) Swimming. Herpetological Review. 44: 146.


Delaney, D.M., Reedy,A.M., Mitchell,T.S., Durso, A.M., Durso, K.P. ,Morrison, A.J., and D.A. Warner. 2013. Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole). Nest-Site Choice. Herpetological Review. 44: 314.


 Durso, A.M., Warner, D.A., Mitchell, T.S., and A.M. Reedy. 2011. Heterodon nasicus (Western Hog-nosed Snake).  Diet. Herpetological Review42 (3): 439-440.